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Tht Girl,


Raimi Nabilah 14
this is my blog and i will say whatever i want
Love Me & I'll Love You
Hate Me & I'll Hate You
Not happy then leave



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Designer: Corissa 96
Basecodes: feelthtlov-e
Cursors: TheChocoGoodies

Saturday, December 19, 2009,

hey! guys wat you doing? i'm damn bored you noe, nothing to do sey around here..just help my uncle at his shop jalan bahar sheng siong his shop is hafiy nasi padang...haiz very bored like hell

i kept tinking about someone ..i just can't stop thinking about him i really want to stop but it is hard i dun noe y .....i just tired of this maybe next time talk again...bye...

9:09 PM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009,

i'm soo fed up man wif _____ she really make me angry like hell..i cnt say anything rite now she really make me damn angry and embarrassed..i got no words to say and i dun noe wat are she thinking doesn't she think of my feeling and i noe i can't say all this but if it really up to my limit i should do sumething sometimes she did not think of my feeling just disturb me anyhow i'm sad and dissapointed wif her hope it will nt last long..i'm totally sad..rite now.

inside of me:
  • sad
  • dissaponted
  • angry
  • cnt trust myself
  • wanting to hurt myself
  • no faith
  • no hope
  • no confident
  • cant satnd all this


12:29 AM

Monday, November 30, 2009,

hey guys see you again!
why must all this happen to me i hate this!!!
now my mum blame me for messing up the clothes
but i didn't do it. she didn't noe the thruth and then
she want to blame me, she didn;t even want o find out the truth
and just blame me for nothing..argh!! why all tthis have to happen..i hate to live ...
but i still love my mum..no matter what...muacks..

12:06 AM

Sunday, November 29, 2009,

hello guys, how are u guys? sori for not updating my blog...i'm abit lazy or busy..hahahas

i'm abit kind of tired this dae but it is kind of best!!! i'm so tired feel like nt waking up whole dae
todae i feel kind of sleepy u noe..haiz todae go facebok,blog,chat wif frenz,play bingo and etc...i feel kind of angry & dissapointed u noe..u want to noe why,come i ans..l kind angry wif ''somebody'' he lied to me so many times so i give up and act angry wif him but in the end he is the one angry wif him so wad i do i just kept quiet onli now..i'm feeling bored wif all the disturbing i'm just being stress and lonely i got nobody to talk to i onli can talk to my frenz as they noe wad i feel and wad is the problem i got but sumetimes u ust also trust your family maybe they can help you but sometimes not..dun be too thrustworthy wif him/her..u should noe why i dun noe wad todo? aiya just keep quiet can wad no need too be stress like a crazy person ..dah lah i'm stopping here bored..post another time ok...see you muacks...:)

Labels: , ,

12:49 AM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009,

i love u but u love her i admire u but u admire her
which is which i also dun noe..i noe i have a hard time forgetting him cuz i noe he likes her and it is save for me
as he do not noe i like him if its true that i cant be wif him then forget it i noe i'm justa fool who believe
so guy please get out of my life if uahte me and i dun want to see ur face ever agin it is all too late for me to be a zone that i
want so much..future there is lot of guys out there dun just stick to one friends everybody dun lose the oppurnity rite now
as u grow up and married ur oppurnity will be gone if u lose that someone then forget about him dun be too ''pasrah'' about him think stright dun just stay there move in with ur life be strong so u guy go ahead and friends with her io dun care
cuz i will not lose this oppurnity..see ya next time i gtg trying to forget him is wat i'm going to do so i will move on...dun just stay there and do nothing about it...


4:06 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009,

hmmm...i've long time nvr blog...been busy sometime but todae story is just something abt me!!!!!!!!
you want to what i stay at my uncle house and it is fun...what i want to say is that sumetimes u like the person
u nvr tell him rite but nw i like this person but then to bad i've to be strong to get over him...hmmm
i noe i can do it cuz he is just nothing...bye...

5:16 AM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009,

what sial todae like shit i can say i cannot say why because it is very secret hahaha...todae i got nothing to say so that is it i end here bye gtg


7:30 AM